Bash : automatically exit the script if a variable is not set

Use the command set -u for testing variable initialization.

"set -u, an alias of set -o nounset, is used to exit the script everytime it's trying to call a not initialized variable. By putting this command at the top of your script, you can avoid to manually test your variables before each use.

Automatically test if a variable is set

#!/bin/bash echo "No error before set: "$test; if [ "$test" == "" ]; then echo "We can see that this variable is not initialized"; fi # Starting here, the script will exit # if a variable is not initialized. set -u; # Disable the automatic testing set +u; echo "This line will not provoke any error"$test; # Enable the automatic testing set -u; echo "An error will be triggered : "$test; echo "This line will not be displayed";

Result of this script

$ ./ No error before set: We can see that this variable is not initialized This line will not provoke any error ./ line 20: test : variable without link

Another use of set for testing return codes of commands.