MySQL : create a dynamic pivot table

How to convert lines of a table into columns?

This tutorial aims to realize a dynamic pivot table for MySQL.

What is a pivot table?

The pivot table, also known as crosstab, is a technique used to convert a vertical table into a horizontal one. By aggregating data, lines of the vertical table become columns of the horizontal one. The pivot is a technique used to generate human-readable reports or to ease queries on vertical tables.

Example of pivot

For marketing needs, I want to record everything about my website's users: visit time, browser, OS, source and so on...

Here is the table:

A vertical table

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tracking` ( `user` VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL, `date_visit` datetime NOT NULL, `key` VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL, `value` VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `tracking` (`user`, `date_visit`, `key`, `value`) VALUES ('Nico', '2022-10-26 18:10:00', 'browser', 'chromium'), ('Nico', '2022-10-26 18:10:00', 'os', 'ubuntu'), ('Nico', '2022-10-26 18:10:00', 'source', 'google'), ('Obi-Wan', '2022-10-26 19:20:00', 'browser', 'firefox'), ('Obi-Wan', '2022-10-26 19:20:00', 'os', 'mac os x'), ('Obi-Wan', '2022-10-26 19:20:00', 'source', 'emailing_campaign'), ('Nico', '2022-10-27 15:45:00', 'browser', 'chrome'), ('Nico', '2022-10-27 15:45:00', 'os', 'fedora'), ('Nico', '2022-10-27 15:45:00', 'source', 'direct_access');

In this table there is 2 users:

  • Nico visited twice the website: first time with chromium on ubuntu, second time with chrome on fedora.
  • Obi-Wan only came once with firefox on Mac OS.

For a clearer vision, we will pivot this vertical table to: user | date_visit | browser | os | source.

To achieve this result, we will need to group by "user" and "date_visit" and use an aggregate function on "value": GROUP_CONCAT, COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUM...


SELECT t.user, t.date_visit, GROUP_CONCAT(t.value, NULL) AS agreg_value, FROM tracking t GROUP BY t.user, t.date_visit; /* Result : Nico | 2022-10-26 18:10:00 | chromium,ubuntu,google */

We now have a horizontal table with a tote column. One stuff to know about GROUP_CONCAT: it ignores the NULL values. So, if in this column we want only the browsers, we can add a condition to concat "value" only if the column "key" is equal to "browser". The same goes for "os" and "source".


SELECT t.user, t.date_visit, GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "browser", t.value, NULL)) AS 'browser', GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "os", t.value, NULL)) AS 'os', GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "source", t.value, NULL)) AS 'source' FROM tracking t GROUP BY t.user, t.date_visit; /* Result : Nico | 2022-10-26 18:10:00 | chromium | ubuntu | google */

Et voilà ! We pivoted the table.

In this example, we are dealing with only 3 values. For more complexe cases, we will try to dynamically build the query.

Step by step:

Dynamically build the columns of a pivot table

-- Step 1 SELECT CONCAT( 'GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "', t.key , '", t.value, NULL)) AS ', t.key ) FROM tracking t; /* Result : GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "browser", t.value, NULL)) AS browser GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "os", t.value, NULL)) AS os GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "source", t.value, NULL)) AS source GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "browser", t.value, NULL)) AS browser ... */ -- Step 2 SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT( 'GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "', t.key , '", t.value, NULL)) AS ', t.key ) FROM tracking t; /* Result : GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "browser", t.value, NULL)) AS browser GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "os", t.value, NULL)) AS os GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "source", t.value, NULL)) AS source */ -- Step 3 SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT CONCAT( 'GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "', t.key , '", t.value, NULL)) AS ', t.key ) ) FROM tracking t; /* Result : GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "browser", t.value, NULL)) AS browser, GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "os", t.value, NULL)) AS os, GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "source", t.value, NULL)) AS source */

Now we can build the whole query.

Full process

SET @COLUMNS = NULL; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT CONCAT( 'GROUP_CONCAT(IF(t.key = "', t.key , '", t.value, NULL)) AS ', t.key ) ) INTO @COLUMNS FROM tracking t; SET @QUERY = CONCAT( 'SELECT t.user, t.date_visit, ',@COLUMNS,' FROM tracking t GROUP BY t.user, t.date_visit' ); PREPARE stmt FROM @QUERY; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;